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Post-Award Overview

Your grant has been funded! Now what?

Key Contacts

Several parties are involved in the management of an award: the principal investigator or project director, the Grants Office, the Business Office, and others, depending on the type of project. The Grants Office will coordinate the activities of these parties to ensure that the project adheres to the funding source's guidelines (e.g., progress reporting requirements, financial reporting requirements, expenditure restrictions) and that all compliance issues are met.

Key contacts involved with post-award implementation include:

Name Position Role
Georgia Carvalho
Grants Director Assists with review of grant agreement, planning of initial implementation steps.
Marie Murphy
Grant Compliance Analyst Provides overview of grant procedures at CCCC, assists with state/federal regulations, supports work to meet grant requirements.
Maribeth Malloy
Grant Accountant Develops grant budgets, tracks expenditures, completes financial reporting.
Procurement Officer Assists with procurement of goods & services, regulation resource.
Shuqi Wu
IRB/Institutional Research IRB requirements, information and access to college data that may be needed for outcome reporting.

Getting Started

Upon receiving a grant or contract award, the Grants Office and Grants Accounting will meet with the Principal Investigator (PI)/Project Director (PD) and other relevant parties to discuss questions about grant and contract award management. In addition, the Grants Office will provide a copy of the Grants Management Handbook, which contains details about fiscal management issues, including personnel, time and effort reporting, purchases, travel, matching funds, indirect cost reporting procedures, and close-out requirements.

Contact Information

Marie Murphy, Post-Award
Office Tilden Arts, room A217
Phone 774.330.4507