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Early College at 4Cs

Earn credits towards college during your Sophomore, Junior and Senior years in high school.

The Early College Program is FREE for all students!

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What is Early College?

Early College at 4Cs gives high school students, especially first generation college-goers, the opportunity to take FREE college readiness and credit level courses while attending high school.

In your Sophomore, Junior & Senior years, you can get a head start on college by combining college courses with your high school courses. By following a pathway of core college coursework, you can earn up to 12 credits towards an Associate Degree at 4Cs. Credits earned in the program are official college credits and are transferable.

Reduces the time and expense of earning a college credential! You can build academic skills, learn about career options, and access support services to help you complete the program and prepare for college.

Why Early College is a Great Start

  • Save money – Taking free college courses means you pay less for your college degree.
  • Save time – Reduce the time it will take to earn a college degree or certificate.
  • Enjoy convenience – Courses are taken during the normal school day.
  • Earn credits - Your coursework counts for both high school & college credit.
  • Use on College Applications – Show you can be successful at the college level.

How to Enroll

To enroll in Early College, you must attend one of the participating high schools. You should meet with their guidance counselors to get eligibility requirements and complete required forms.

Contact 4Cs Admissions

Admissions Office
Location Nickerson Administration Building, ground floor
Hours Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm
Wednesday, 8:30am–6:00pm
Phone 774.330.4311
Fax 508.375.4089