Higgins Art Gallery
Higgins Art Gallery
Art Faculty & Guests
November 18–December 7, 2020
This exhibit is multi-media group exhibit: paintings, drawings, monoprints, silkscreen art, fiber art, clay, photos, installation art, bookmaking art, map art, music and poetry.
Image: Standing in the Divine Order, mixed media, by Tessa D'agostino
Learn more: Shoulder to Shoulder exhibit
October 20–November 13, 2020
Artist statement: "I create three-dimensional art from used maps, which themselves are a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional world. I ‘excavate’ the maps – hand cutting away specific areas, which then heightens the focus on others. With spaces between the roads of a map removed the viewer is able to peer deep into the mass of tangled layers of streets, perhaps a symbol of the messiness of interconnected lives."
Image: Start Here (detail), by Sian Roberson
Learn more: Sian Robertson exhibit
Image: What We Do to the Mountain, Chip Thomas, 2014
September 14, 2020–January 18, 2021
In the midst of global mass awakening to the reality of the climate emergency, and of the ecological and social injustice intertwined with it, how could art not be a crucial part of the story? Dozens of artists from Cape Cod and beyond share visions of EARTH JUSTICE.
Learn more: Earth Justice exhibit
April 12–August 2020
A special exhibition featuring the work of Cape Cod Community College students studying visual arts.
Image: Artwork by Colette Luczkow
Learn more: Virtual Student Art Exhibit
March 8–April 8, 2020
Erica Fernandez • Michael MacMahon • Mellissa Morris • Joe Navas
Image: Photograph by Joe Navas
Learn more: 4Cs Former Art Students & Alumni exhibit
January 23–March 4, 2020
Artist Statement: The photographic series images I titled pools, mighty plenitude shares the same inspiration as many of my other projects in that they are both motivated by a desire to be observant, still and connect with something of the divine in the corporal.
Image: pools, mighty plenitude, 09.26.2014, by Jennifer Moller
Learn more: Artist-in-Residence Jennifer Moller exhibit