The Associate in Science degree in Nursing is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing and has full approval from the Board of Registration in Nursing of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Nursing Faculty of Cape Cod Community College welcomes you to the Nursing Program and wishes you success as you pursue your career goals.
This handbook contains information relative to policies and procedures that will assist you throughout your course of study.
Nursing Program Handbook 24-25
Student Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct (Web page)
Code of Conduct (Print Version)
Jeanette Blouin, Nursing Program Administrative Assistant ll
Location: Bldg. 5 Frank Wilkens Hall 228
Phone: 774.330.4427
Michele Hunter, Nursing Program Administrative Assistant ll
Location: Bldg. 5 Frank Wilkens Hall 227
Phone: 774.330.4359