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Request Services

Contact the O'Neill Center at 774.330.4533 to discuss the documentation needed based on the student’s disability. It is the student's responsibility to make their needs known to the college well in advance and to provide appropriate documentation of disability if services are requested. The college does not provide diagnostic testing. Please click this button to request services:

Request Services

Accommodation Steps

Students can request accommodations at any point in the semester. However, we urge students to start this process early. Accommodations are not retroactive; they go into effect only after the student complete all the steps in the process.

1. Submit appropriate documentation of the disability to the O'Neill Center.

ADD/ADHD: Psychological Evaluation/Neuropsychological Evaluation or Verification of Mental Health Disorder or ADHD form completed by the appropriate physician listed on the form.

Autism: Psychological Evaluation/Neuropsychological Evaluation or Verification of Mental Health Disorder or ADHD form completed by the appropriate physician listed on the form.

Learning Disability: Psychological Evaluation/Neuropsychological Evaluation

Blind or Low Vision, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Medical or Physical Disability: Verification of Medical or Physical Disability form completed by the appropriate physician listed on the form.

Psychiatric/Mental Health Disability: Psychological Evaluation/Neuropsychological Evaluation or Verification of Mental Health Disorder or ADHD form completed by the appropriate physician listed on the form.

Please note: Evaluations or other documentation provided must be dated within the last 3 years. The documentation must support the need for each reasonable accommodation requested.

2. Schedule and attend an appointment with O’Neill Center staff to discuss and request specific accommodations. Make appointment with O’Neill Staff member based on the documented disability:

Doug Terry, Coordinator O’Neill Center
Blind or Low Vision
Deaf or Hearing Impaired
Medical or Physical Disability
Mental Health Disability

Jaclyn Kotowski, Learning Disabilities Specialist
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Learning Disability

3. Receive your approved College Accommodation Plan

4. Student will provide each of their instructors a signed copy of their accommodation plan

5. Student will meet with each instructor every semester to confirm relevant course accommodations.

6. Please contact the O’Neill Center if you need assistance facilitating a meeting with your instructors.

Report Any Problems

Please report problems regarding accommodations to the O’Neill Center in a timely and reasonable manner. Cape Cod Community College has established informal and formal grievance procedures to resolve differences between students and the O’Neill Center or instructors regarding reasonable accommodations. The student has the right to seek a review if such a difference arises. If a student opts to pursue an informal complaint, they may later pursue a formal grievance if not satisfied with the resolution of the informal process.

Though not required, students are asked to discuss their concerns first with the Coordinator of the O’Neill Center

Contact Us

O'Neill Center for Student Access and Support

Location: Maureen M. Wilkens Hall, Room 222

Hours: Monday–Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm (later times by appointment)

Phone: 774.330.4337
