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SACHEM Program

Cape Cod Community College is a participating member of the Southeastern Association for Cooperation in Higher Education in Massachusetts (SACHEM), a consortium of nine institutions of higher education in Southeastern Massachusetts.

As a member of this group, eligible full-time students at 4Cs, have an opportunity to enroll in a limited number of courses at other colleges/universities involved in the SACHEM program.

Member Institutions

Details of the SACHEM program are listed below. Forms and additional information may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.


To qualify you must be enrolled as a degree student, on a full-time basis, and in good academic standing at one of the SACHEM institutions. This benefit is offered on a space-available basis only. Courses available are only those offered for credit during the regular September–May academic year. Each institution reserves the right to limit or bar access to certain programs.

Qualified students are allowed to enroll in a maximum of two courses at one time, subject to further limitation by the home or host institution. Each institution has the option to restrict cross registration (e.g. only for courses not available at the home institution, only for upper-class students, only for non-major courses, etc.)

  • Enrollees are not charged extra tuition and mandatory fees as long as the SACHEM course is part of the normal full-time load at the home institution.
  • Student must have paid the equivalent of full-time tuition and fees at the home institution to qualify for waived tuition and fees at the host institution.
  • Exchange students may be liable for course specific fees as required by the host institution.

SACHEM Procedures and Student Responsibilities

If you're interested in cross-registration, take the following these steps:

  • Obtain the necessary information and forms from the Registrar’s Office of your home institution.
  • Assure your eligibility by reading the regulations related to the program.
  • Complete the Cross-Registration Approval Form with required signatures.
  • Register at the host institution location indicated in the chart above, bringing with you the Cross-Registration Approval Form.
  • At the conclusion of the course(s), request that the Registrar of the host institution forward an academic transcript of your grade(s) to your home institution.
  • Course and credit will appear as transfer work on your 4Cs academic transcript if a grade of C- or higher was earned.

If you are eligible and take advantage of this program, you are responsible for the following:

  1. Completion of the Approval Form at the home institution
  2. Adherence to the procedures for cross-registration as listed in the brochure
  3. Payment of laboratory, studio, parking, or other special fees
  4. Assurance that all course pre-requisites have been met
  5. Adherence to the academic regulations of the host institution (the student is responsible for obtaining such regulations).

Each institution reserves the right to withhold permission for cross-registration if the host institution’s calendar makes it impossible for the student to complete graduation and/or course requirements by the normal date.

SACHEM Registration

Contact Registration

Office of the Registrar
Location Nickerson Administration Building, First Floor
Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am–4:30pm
Phone 774.330.4711 
Fax 508.375.4084