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Commonwealth Commitment

The first agreement of its kind in the nation, the Commonwealth Commitment is a college affordability and completion plan that will help more students achieve the dream of a college degree.

Average Savings Over Four Years...

Community College to State University

Overall Average

Community College to UMass


Students Commit To:

  • Begin at one of Massachusetts' Community Colleges
  • Complete associate degree within 2.5 years
  • Transfer to one of Massachusetts' State Universities or UMass campuses
  • Complete bachelor's degree within 2 more years
  • Maintain full time, continuous enrollment and a cumulative 3.0 GPA

Commonwealth Commitment to Students:

A freeze on tuition & fees for all four years upon entry into the Commonwealth Commitment program, until student graduates or leaves program.

A reduction in tuition & mandatory fees:

  • A 10% rebate off tuition & mandatory fees payable via check or bookstore voucher at the end of every successfully completed semester
  • An additional MassTransfer tuition credit once student enrolls in bachelor's program

If interested in enrolling, please click on the Commonwealth Commitment click here for further instructions.

Contact the Advising Center

Location: Grossman Commons, Building 7, 2nd Floor, Room 203


Phone: 774.330.4318

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Remote via Zoom: Drop-in; Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm, Wednesday evenings 5pm-7pm

In-Person on Campus: Drop-in; Monday - Friday, 9am -4pm