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Transfer Credit Policies

The Office of the Registrar evaluates and processes transfer credits based on earned credit from various institutions and organizations. The information below provides a general outline of the evaluation process for each Credit for Prior Learning option. Please contact the Office of the Registrar for more specific questions regarding transfer credits.

Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE)

Students are eligible to enroll in specific approved programs in their high schools to earn college credit through articulated agreements via Consortium member schools. Articulated CVTE credits are posted on students’ Cape Cod Community College transcripts once all the requirements have been met. Information about the CVTE program can be found on the CCCC CVTE webpage.

College Board Advanced Placement Exams (AP Exams)

Students who score a three (3) or better on selected College Board Advancement Placement examinations may be granted college credit. An official score report must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

See: Advanced Placement Course Equivalencies

College Level Examination Program (CLEP Exams)

Students may be awarded college credits for successfully passing the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam in a specific subject area. An official score report must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

See: CLEP® Course Equivalencies

Course Exam Challenge

Course Exam Challenges provide students an opportunity to earn college credit by demonstrating proficiency in the content of a course through a departmental exam. Students may request a Course Challenge when there is no CLEP examination available. Developmental Education courses and Independent Study cannot be challenged.

Academic departments determine courses that are eligible for challenge and the competencies necessary for the student to demonstrate for awarding credits. Course exam challenge credits earned do not apply to residency requirements. Credit is awarded upon the successful completion of the exam and is processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Course Portfolio Challenge

Course Portfolio Challenges provide students an opportunity to earn college credit by demonstrating proficiency in the content of a course through a written report (portfolio) and supporting documentation. Students may request a Course Portfolio Challenge when there are no other Credit for Prior Learning available. Developmental Education courses and Independent Study cannot be challenged.

Academic departments determine courses that are eligible for Course Portfolio Challenge and the competencies necessary for the student to demonstrate for awarding credits. Course Portfolio Challenge credits earned do not apply to residency requirements. Students must complete an initial intake on the  My Experience Counts – Massachusetts Community Colleges website. Credit is awarded upon the successful completion of the portfolio and is processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Credentials & Professional Licenses 

Students must contact the Office of the Registrar to verify if a credential or professional license is acceptable as a course equivalency for transfer credit. The credential or professional licenses must be directly related to a course within the student's degree or certificate. A copy of the credential or license is required for documentation.

Institutes of Higher Education

Students may transfer credits from any regionally accredited institution of higher education with a grade of C- or better (except where indicated in certain course prerequisites) to be applied towards a degree or certificate program. In order to process transfer credits from an educational institute an official transcript must be sent to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation.

International Baccalaureate Higher Level Exams

Students who have passed the individual International Baccalaureate Higher Level (HL) Exams with a score of 4 or better may receive transfer credits for specific equivalent CCCC courses. Standard level (SL) examinations will not be awarded any transfer credits. An official examination report must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.

See: IB Higher Level Exam Course Equivalencies

Prior Learning for Professional and/or Life Experience

Students with professional work and life experience and professional licensures may be granted college credit if their experience is directly related to their program of study. Students must complete an initial intake on the My Experience Counts – Massachusetts Community Colleges website. 

Reverse Transfers

Students currently in a four- year institution have the option of completing an associate degree at Cape Cod Community College. Through Reverse Transfer, students who have made progress toward an associate degree prior to transferring to a four-year institution, may apply credit eared at a four-year institution back to their community college to complete the associate degree requirements. More information regarding student eligibility and to apply for reverse transfer is found on the MassTransfer website.

Seal of Biliteracy

Students who have earned the State’s Seal of Biliteracy (or Seal of Biliteracy with distinction) on their high school transcript may receive 6 to 9 credits of foreign language (Spanish, French or German) or humanities and fine art elective credits. Students will be waived the English placement exam and will qualify to take ENL 101. 

Note: ASL and “Classic” languages will not qualify for credit. Furthermore, duplicated transfer credit from IB, AP and other exams for the same language will not be awarded.

VALOR Act: Academic Credit Evaluation

In accordance with the Valor Act, CCCC uses the ACE guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services as the primary method for evaluating and awarding academic credit for military occupation, training, coursework, and experience. In addition, the College also evaluates DSST Exams, DANTES, Subject Standard Tests and prior learning assessment. For more information please contact the Office of the Registrar or the Veterans Office.